By Dr. Shepherd. Socratez S.Yoman, MA
1. Introduction
Why do I choose the title of this article? Because in The Spirit of Papua Group, on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 18:43, SP Group Administration, Pak Samuel Tabuni lowered the text reminding the shepherds in West Papua. These warnings and challenges are in accordance with today's reality. The article, I quote intact as follows.
"The sermon at the peak of the 163th HPI celebration on 5 February 2018 at the Mandala Stadium by Prof. Dr. Edward Ildefonso of Romans 1:16 Matthew 28:19; Isaiah 6: 1-13 and Ezekiel 34. The Israelites were punished by God at the height of the greatness of the government, of economic prosperity and of military power because of Israel's back to God, the prophet Isaiah was called by God (Isaiah 6: 8) to prophesy and witness the fall of Israel Through Yeh 34 The Lord rebuked the church leaders Repent, the same, who once punished Israel will punish Papua. "
2. Repent!
The last paragraph, Sir Samuel Tabuni writes, "Through Ezekiel 34, God rebuked the church leaders, repent, otherwise the same God, who once punished Israel would punish Papua."
Thank you very much for the constructive criticism & remind us the sleeping shepherds because they have been complacent with the help of religious funds from the pem. province / district each year.
But, in this comment there is a legacy of sacrificial value and exemplary faith of pastors and church leaders forgotten by Mr. Samuel. Church leaders and pastors have risked everything for God's people in West Papua before the Indonesian government annexed, occupied, colonized and oppressed God's people in West Papua in the name of national security.
The sacrifices of pastors and ministers in West Papua can not be measured by human dose. Because our work is a divine and noble task.
Our duties of shepherds are only for the glory of God's name and honor of human dignity. The work of church leaders can not be measured by the value of money and the human mind. The assessment and size of what we do in West Papua is only measured by God. We are only servants of God. We are not servants of worldly governments.
But Mr. Samuel is very right, because we are in the real world there are savage wolves that pounce on the sheep in West Papua and also full of turmoil, waves, risks & sacrifice of life.
3. Deadly Shepherd for God's people in West Papua
Many prices are paid by the Shepherds. There are some real examples of the sacrifices of pastors and servants of God for the sake of God's people in West Papua.
3.1. Johann Gotlob Geisler & Carl William Ottow (known: Ottow Geisler)
These two missionaries from Germany, they left their homeland and family for the sake of God's people in West Papua. On February 5, 1855, in the name of the Lord Jesus they set foot in Manswari, Manokwari, West Papua. They suffered tremendously.
Ottow is thirty-five years old and suffering terrible suffering from malaria in Mansinam. He died November 9, 1862 and was buried in Mansinam Manokwari. Ottow dies for the sake of the West Papuan people
3.2. Pilot Al Lewis
Pilot Al Lewis before flying his first plane into the Balim Valley, Wamena on April 20, 1954, he declared his faith as follows:
"I do not know the price to pay to enter the Balim Valley, but I am willing to pay the price".
"Evidence of that faith commitment, precisely on April 28, 1955, Pilot Al Lewis suffered a plane crash on his way to the Balim Valley, crashed into a high mountain north of Sekan, a plane discovered one month after the accident.
(Source: Pastor Frans Lieshout OFM: History of the Catholic Church in the Valley of Balim, 2007, p.21).
3.3. Bishop Emeretus Hermann Muninghoff, OFM
"I take this responsibility and if I die for this decision, I am willing to die for Papua" (1994).
Alm Muninghoff declared his faith when he was ready for the signature of Jila-Alama's human rights violation report Mapenduma in 1994/1995.
3.4. Pdt. Dr. Siegfried Zollner
I recall the words of the first GKI Synod Chairman, Pdt. F.J.S. Rumainum: "We as a church must be beside the outcasts, otherwise our work is useless!"
Pdt. Dr. Siegfried is a German missionary who works with GKI in Tanah Papua in Yali, Anggruk region.
(Source: Dr. Siegfried Zollner: United In God: GKI-TP 60 of 1956-2016).
4. God's people are shot dead for the NKRI
Today's history and reality, the government of the Republic of Indonesia, after annexing, occupying and illegally occupying West Papua, they are promoting military operations to slaughter and kill God's people in West Papua on behalf of and for national security.
West Papuans The landowners and land heirs are made like animals and game animals in the eyes of Indonesia. Because their interests are land, natural resources, gold and gas mines, fish and shrimp are many more.
Pemrintah Indonesia with a brilliant depopulation and ethnic cleansing of West Papua nation in various ways, reasonable and unnatural.
For example, the shooting of four students in Paniai on December 8, 2014, criminals, criminals, demonic and demonic killers, is not revealed until today.
5. Is a cursed Church or Papuan leader or a NKRI condemned by God?
We pray that the evildoers will be conscious and convert so as not to be cursed by the LORD. But they get the blessings from God for their lives, their families and their nation.
But on the other hand, if the villain is hard & unrepentant, the LORD will bring down the curse, wrath and malapetka in his life, family & nation.
ITW, 14/02/18
1. Introduction
Why do I choose the title of this article? Because in The Spirit of Papua Group, on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 18:43, SP Group Administration, Pak Samuel Tabuni lowered the text reminding the shepherds in West Papua. These warnings and challenges are in accordance with today's reality. The article, I quote intact as follows.
"The sermon at the peak of the 163th HPI celebration on 5 February 2018 at the Mandala Stadium by Prof. Dr. Edward Ildefonso of Romans 1:16 Matthew 28:19; Isaiah 6: 1-13 and Ezekiel 34. The Israelites were punished by God at the height of the greatness of the government, of economic prosperity and of military power because of Israel's back to God, the prophet Isaiah was called by God (Isaiah 6: 8) to prophesy and witness the fall of Israel Through Yeh 34 The Lord rebuked the church leaders Repent, the same, who once punished Israel will punish Papua. "
2. Repent!
The last paragraph, Sir Samuel Tabuni writes, "Through Ezekiel 34, God rebuked the church leaders, repent, otherwise the same God, who once punished Israel would punish Papua."
Thank you very much for the constructive criticism & remind us the sleeping shepherds because they have been complacent with the help of religious funds from the pem. province / district each year.
But, in this comment there is a legacy of sacrificial value and exemplary faith of pastors and church leaders forgotten by Mr. Samuel. Church leaders and pastors have risked everything for God's people in West Papua before the Indonesian government annexed, occupied, colonized and oppressed God's people in West Papua in the name of national security.
The sacrifices of pastors and ministers in West Papua can not be measured by human dose. Because our work is a divine and noble task.
Our duties of shepherds are only for the glory of God's name and honor of human dignity. The work of church leaders can not be measured by the value of money and the human mind. The assessment and size of what we do in West Papua is only measured by God. We are only servants of God. We are not servants of worldly governments.
But Mr. Samuel is very right, because we are in the real world there are savage wolves that pounce on the sheep in West Papua and also full of turmoil, waves, risks & sacrifice of life.
3. Deadly Shepherd for God's people in West Papua
Many prices are paid by the Shepherds. There are some real examples of the sacrifices of pastors and servants of God for the sake of God's people in West Papua.
3.1. Johann Gotlob Geisler & Carl William Ottow (known: Ottow Geisler)
These two missionaries from Germany, they left their homeland and family for the sake of God's people in West Papua. On February 5, 1855, in the name of the Lord Jesus they set foot in Manswari, Manokwari, West Papua. They suffered tremendously.
Ottow is thirty-five years old and suffering terrible suffering from malaria in Mansinam. He died November 9, 1862 and was buried in Mansinam Manokwari. Ottow dies for the sake of the West Papuan people
3.2. Pilot Al Lewis
Pilot Al Lewis before flying his first plane into the Balim Valley, Wamena on April 20, 1954, he declared his faith as follows:
"I do not know the price to pay to enter the Balim Valley, but I am willing to pay the price".
"Evidence of that faith commitment, precisely on April 28, 1955, Pilot Al Lewis suffered a plane crash on his way to the Balim Valley, crashed into a high mountain north of Sekan, a plane discovered one month after the accident.
(Source: Pastor Frans Lieshout OFM: History of the Catholic Church in the Valley of Balim, 2007, p.21).
3.3. Bishop Emeretus Hermann Muninghoff, OFM
"I take this responsibility and if I die for this decision, I am willing to die for Papua" (1994).
Alm Muninghoff declared his faith when he was ready for the signature of Jila-Alama's human rights violation report Mapenduma in 1994/1995.
3.4. Pdt. Dr. Siegfried Zollner
I recall the words of the first GKI Synod Chairman, Pdt. F.J.S. Rumainum: "We as a church must be beside the outcasts, otherwise our work is useless!"
Pdt. Dr. Siegfried is a German missionary who works with GKI in Tanah Papua in Yali, Anggruk region.
(Source: Dr. Siegfried Zollner: United In God: GKI-TP 60 of 1956-2016).
4. God's people are shot dead for the NKRI
Today's history and reality, the government of the Republic of Indonesia, after annexing, occupying and illegally occupying West Papua, they are promoting military operations to slaughter and kill God's people in West Papua on behalf of and for national security.
West Papuans The landowners and land heirs are made like animals and game animals in the eyes of Indonesia. Because their interests are land, natural resources, gold and gas mines, fish and shrimp are many more.
Pemrintah Indonesia with a brilliant depopulation and ethnic cleansing of West Papua nation in various ways, reasonable and unnatural.
For example, the shooting of four students in Paniai on December 8, 2014, criminals, criminals, demonic and demonic killers, is not revealed until today.
5. Is a cursed Church or Papuan leader or a NKRI condemned by God?
We pray that the evildoers will be conscious and convert so as not to be cursed by the LORD. But they get the blessings from God for their lives, their families and their nation.
But on the other hand, if the villain is hard & unrepentant, the LORD will bring down the curse, wrath and malapetka in his life, family & nation.
ITW, 14/02/18
Reviewed by Admin
March 01, 2018
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