TPNPB Is Not Terrorist!

Who is TPNPB?

TPNPB is an extension of the "West Papua National Liberation Army" military wing of the Provisional Government of the true West Papua Republic. According to the proclamation of West Papuan independence on 1 July 1971, by a father of Proclaimers Brig. Zet Rumkorem. Originally since 26 March 1973 this military wing was called the Papuan Liberation Army (TPN) from Voctoria Headquarters, near the border of Papua New Guinea. The establishment of this army, in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution with the President's decision.

It is clear that TPN is a military mib from the Provisional Government of the West Papua Republic. After that, for 38 years survived in the forest against the Indonesian occupation of Papua. On 1-5 May 2012, TPN restructured, arranged all the structure, Command and military stance with all the central and regional command administration. Being called "TPNPB" as the gaps are listed in the first paragraph of this article.

TPNPB Not Terrorist!

TPNPB is a military mib Provisional Government of the Republic of West Papua. So the TPNPB is the Liberation Army, the Army of Struggle for the liberation or independence of the people of Papua. TPNPB is the National military of the Papuan Nation.

TPNPB's mission is clear, Fighting the national liberation goal of West Papua nation. TPNPB organized Papuan military. There is no connection to a particular network. Armed Resistance is not another area of ​​this struggle mission. In addition to walayh determined according to the proclamation of Papuan independence by the Proclaimers in 1971. The occupying and resisting territories are Sorong until Merauke, Jayapura to Balim Pegunungan Bintang, Biak until Pulai Adi is the Boundary of the territory wishing to become an independent territory.

Not biased with terrorists. The reason is that Terrorist activity is different from TPNPB. Terrorists have ties with Islamic countries. The action applies between countries. Having a doctrine on the religion of Islam, suicide bombing, sabutase-sabutase certain. Usually switching bias performs the action in any country of the same group, it is called a terrorist.

The struggle of TPNPB is clearly in line with the humanitarian regulations governing non-international forms of conflict. TPNPB action of struggle can only be done in West Papua region, and this is an explanation related to the following conventions of jenewa:


TPNPBs of war in this category are more commonly referred to as "rebellion wars" or "national liberation wars". Compare with the "non-state party" referred to in Article 1 paragraph (4) of the Geneva Conventions of the Additional Protocol of 1977, where the "non-state party" refers to a "nation" (peoples) that has not been independent and fights against colonialism.


Secondly, in 'non-international armed conflict', 'non-state party' or in this case an organized armed group or rebel forces, has the primary motivation to escape from the mother country / colonist and stand alone as an independent country.

Beikut is according to the Head of the National Agency for Counter-Terrorism (BNPT), Saud Ustman Nasution:

Saud's quote: "So the actions associated with politics we do not put into acts of terrorism but to the deed of treason who want to break away from NKRI. And this will be tested by the prosecutor or judge who will decide later. But until now, for the case of Papua we do not link with terrorism crime, why? Because it involves the political activities that want to secede to the NKRI, "he explained. Source: Tuesday, 23 February 2016. He also explained that the Free Papua Movement (OPM) can not be categorized as terrorist. Because, according to him they are related to political interests.

TPNPB Not Armed Civil!

TPNPB is not also an armed civilian. Armed civilians do not exist in Papua, because armed civilians are an unorganized movement. TPNPB is a military of the Papuan nation that organized its command. Has a national liberation mission of the nation of Papua. Want to break away from the State of Indonesia. So it is not wrong if the term "separatist" because, separatist is a movement to get sovereignty and separate a region or group of people.

An armed civilian is someone who stores and possesses weapons and commits individual terror for the benefit of the individual. Like a robbery with a weapon for his personal purpose is an armed civilian.

While TPNPB is an armed soldier, the resistance to the occupation Army for the purpose of political struggle for the independence of the people's territory over the West Papuan people.

Legal Basis of TPNPB Struggle

This is the basis for the TPNPB to conduct armed resistance with TNI Police in Papua is as follows:


The first paragraph of Indonesian mukadiama. "That freedom really is the right of all nations and, therefore, the occupation of the world must be abolished, for it is not in accordance with humanity and justice." Repeating the sentence that because it is not in accordance with the Fairy humanity and justice to the people of Papua, TPNPB stands as a self-defense to separate itself from Indonesia.


International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 Article 1 paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 and the following paragraphs:

1. All peoples have the right to self-determination. Under that right they are free to determine their political status and free to pursue their economic, social and cultural progress.

2. All peoples, for their own purposes, may manage their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to the obligations arising from international economic cooperation, on the principle of mutual benefit and international law. In no case shall it be justified to deprive a nation of its rights on its own livelihood resources.

3. The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those responsible for the administration of Non-Self-Governing Territories and Guardian Territories, shall promote the realization of the right to self-determination, and shall respect such rights in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.


International Humanitarian, or armed conflict. This is the International provisions of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols of 1977:

1. "international armed conflict or dispute"; and
 2. "non-international armed conflict" (non-international armed conflict).

The TPNPB war against Indonesia is a non-international armed dispute. according to number two above. From number two above this can be divided into two parts, are:

1. National Liberation War (War Of National Liberation)

 2. Internal Armed Conflict (Internal Armed Conflict)

Therefore the TPNPB war is not the Internal Armed Conflict, but the War of National Liberation.
 This is the principle of the implementation of international humanitarian war that should be respected by the TNI POLRI in general the State of Indonesia as a member of the United Nations.

Thus, the National Liberation Army of West Papua is not a terrorist. TPNPB is the military of the Papuan nation, the Army who fought for the Papuan Political Rights to separate themselves from Indonesia into an independent state on the basis of territory, the people according to the Proclamation of Independence 1 July 1971.
TPNPB Is Not Terrorist! TPNPB Is Not Terrorist! Reviewed by Admin on June 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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