About Papua, President Jokowi said, "They are also WNI!"

By Yosef Rumaseb
Indigenous people og West Papua
In a video of President Jokowi's viral speech in cyberspace some time ago (eg a speech in front of representatives of indigenous peoples in Bogor and in front of cadre Nasdem) President Jokowi stressed the importance of building social justice in Papua according to the fifth precept. Notice both the statements that President Jokowi affirmed "they are also WNI you know!"

This is the statement of the President of the Republic of Indonesia as well as the Head of State, Head of Government, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Supreme Leader of POLRI. People's statements at that level to the public can not be done carelessly. Of course there is data, there is a study, there are new statements. Therefore, the statement of President Jokowi is important to be studied.

The general conclusion we can draw is that the President implicitly asserted that there is social injustice to Papua because Papuans are considered not Indonesian citizens by most of the wisdom makers.

The Presidential Statement encourages the search for references to draw red thread from macro context to micro reality in the context of Papua. One of the most open analytical tools is geostrategic analysis.

If we look for information about Papua in Indonesia's geostrategic analysis in various writings published in the online media then we will find a general conclusion that Papua is the object. In general, the analysis developed is that Papua is one of the most important areas contested by global forces, in addition to the abundant natural resources (SDA), but also the strategic position in the global power struggle map in the future. The geopolitical position puts Papua at the heart of a global struggle for global economic and politiical forces. There is an assumption of the frontier dimension, the imaginary boundary between the center and the area that foreign influence can enter. Foreign influence begins with cultural and economic aspects. The culmination is political influence, where the customary end is to separate (via referendum).

Armed with information that can dr dr google about Papua in geostarategis analysis of Indonesia, I concluded bhw we are victims. In the context of the statement of President Jokowi above, we OAP is a victim of social injustice because there is a presumption that we are not citizen. We become victims of Indonesia's geostrategic plan. I suspect that in-migration is part of the realization of Indonesia's geostrategic plan for Papua.

Because of this, all we need to do together is to identify our problem, build a united stance, move forward with Papua. President Jokowi's leadership is momentum.

Manokwari March 12, 2018
About Papua, President Jokowi said, "They are also WNI!" About Papua, President Jokowi said, "They are also WNI!" Reviewed by Unknown on March 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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