Reject Industrialization in Papua

Mine PT. Freeport in Timika West Papua, this illegal mine entered through a contract of unilateral work between the company and the government of Indonesia in 1967 ago. So that the area of West Papua was forcibly inserted into Indonesia through the manipulation of people's opinion (Pepera) in 1969

The land of Papua is not a no-man's land! This land has been inhabited by the Papuan melanesian tribes thousands of years before the coming of foreign nations. Like the sphere of the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Until Malays Indonesia. The land of Papua is an indigenous territory owned by 270 tribes, living and inspired by nature to this day.

The life of indigenous Papuans (indigenous peoples) is highly dependent on, the land, the forest, and all that lives therein. The majority of them are in the native villages up to now. But with the pace of unhealthy development, they get a threat. Namely the loss of land, forest, livelihood, to their cultural identity. Even poverty becomes a natural thing for those who live on the land with this abundant natural wealth.

The existence of unhealthy development was supported by the rate of first foreign infestation to Papua in 1967 ie Freeport followed by various oil mining companies, gas, to industrial companies. The Government of Indonesia as the main controller seems to be giving support to the speed of national and foreign investment to continuously deplete Papua's riches of the earth. But instead do not think about the needs of the people of Papua, and the adverse effects that follow the presence of these investments.

Until 2016 has been listed companies with various classifications such as, mining companies in West Papua has controlled land 3.178.722 ha with 115 isin company. While mining in Papua 5,932,071 ha with 125 isin company. Logging concession (HPH) own company in West Papua 5,388,983 ha with 35 isin company, Papua 7,945,277 ha with 41 isin company. Oil palm company as a whole Papua and west papua is 2,453,484 ha. While the HTI company as a whole is 4,321,118 ha.

Or more or less has controlled the land of nearly 24 million hectares throughout the Land of Papua (Papua & West Papua). Even the majority of the exploited area is the living area of ​​the indigenous people of Papua during this time. Under the pretext of exploitation development it is forced in manipulative and inhuman ways. Unreasonable and manipulative land trading, unrealized profit and loss agreements, increased human rights violations inwith infestation, to massive deforestation of forests.

The Government of Papua as an extension of the Central Government, almost does not provide protection and sustainability to indigenous peoples, especially the indigenous Papuans. Implementation of the Special Autonomy Law (UU) of Papua No 21 of 2001 (Papua Autonomy) is questioned. Although in Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 letter i. it states that: "The enforcement of such special policies is based on fundamental values ​​that include protection and respect for ethics and morals, fundamental rights of indigenous people, human rights, rule of law, democracy, pluralism and equality of positions, rights and duties as a citizen.

Article 43 of the Special Autonomy Law of Papua also clearly affirms the government's commitment to protect and take sides to indigenous and tribal peoples. In contrast, in practice indigenous peoples are only used as objects of development. This justifies the speculation that since becoming a Draft Law (Bill) to become the Special Autonomy Law has undergone substantial changes.

The Special Autonomy Law of Papua also presents the cultural representation of the people, the Papuan People's Assembly (MRP) established since 2004 under Government Regulation No. 54 of 2004. Chapter I Article 1 Paragraph (6) "Papua People's Assembly, hereinafter abbreviated as MRP cultural representation of indigenous Papuans, who have certain powers in the context of protecting the rights of indigenous Papuans based on respect for customs and culture, women's empowerment, and consolidation of religious harmony. "

The MRP is also domiciled with the Governor, and the Papuan House of Representatives (DPR-P). The MRP is assigned the Papua Special Autonomy Law for protection, and provides for affirmative action. But in practice MRP is considered as a "toothless" institution. Because the MRP has not been given sufficient space in the regulation, in addition to proposing, giving consideration, and approval to every policy of Papua government and related center of Papua Province.

ationally, the state recognizes and respects the unity of indigenous and tribal peoples with their traditional rights. That is in the 1945 Constitution Article 118b Article 3 Paragraph (1) states that: "Everyone is born free with equal and equal dignity and human dignity and endowed with reason & conscience to live in society, nation and state in the spirit of brotherhood ". After the reform of 1998 the state enacted the RI Law no. 39 Year 1999 on Human Rights Article 6 Paragraph (1) states that: "In the context of the enforcement of human rights, the differences and needs of indigenous peoples shall be observed and protected by law, society and Government." And Paragraph (2) says " The identities of indigenous and tribal peoples' cultures, including the right to ulayat lands are protected, in harmony with the times. "
Local Government Law no. 32 of 2004 also accommodate the protection of indigenous peoples. Chapter I article 1 mentions. "Village or other so-called name is a legal community unity which has territorial boundaries that are authorized to organize and manage the interests of the local community based on local customs and customs that are recognized and respected within the system of Government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia." it is not impossible that respect for indigenous peoples can be provided without injuring it.

In the Universal Declaration of Human Rigths, announced by the United Nations Dec. 10, 1948, in which Indonesia has ratified it, that through Resolution 217 A (III) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is announced upon the realization that: "the natural dignity and the same and unenforceable rights deprived of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world "(preamble of UDHR)" All people are born free and have the same dignity and rights. They are blessed with reason and conscience and should associate with each other in the fraternity "(article 1 UDHR).

In the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESC), announced by the United Nations Dec. 16, 1966 through Resolution 2200 A (XXI) of the International Covenant on the ICESC is announced on the recognition that: "the ideal state of man free from the enjoyment of liberty from fear and poverty, can only be achieved when conditions are created whereby everyone enjoys his social and cultural economic rights as well as his civil and political rights. "(ICESC preamble)

As well as various other international decisions that ratified the central government, among others; The International Covenant on the Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (ICERD), the Convention on Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDOW) indigenous peoples in an independent state / ILO Convention C169, African Charter of Human Rights (ACHPR), and Decisions of the Conference of the Parties relating to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This land has been inhabited by the Papuan melanesian tribes thousands of years before the coming of foreign nations. Like the sphere of the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Until Malays Indonesia.
Nationally, the state recognizes and respects the unity of indigenous and tribal peoples with their traditional rights. That is in the 1945 Constitution Article 118b Article 3 Paragraph (1) states that: "Everyone is born free with equal and equal dignity and human dignity and endowed with reason & conscience to live in society, nation and state in the spirit of brotherhood ". After the reform of 1998 the state enacted the RI Law no. 39 Year 1999 on Human Rights Article 6 Paragraph (1) states that: "In the context of the enforcement of human rights, the differences and needs of indigenous peoples shall be observed and protected by law, society and Government." And Paragraph (2) says " The identities of indigenous and tribal peoples' cultures, including the right to ulayat lands are protected, in harmony with the times. "
Local Government Law no. 32 of 2004 also accommodate the protection of indigenous peoples. Chapter I article 1 mentions. "Village or other so-called name is a legal community unity which has territorial boundaries that are authorized to organize and manage the interests of the local community based on local customs and customs that are recognized and respected within the system of Government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia." it is not impossible that respect for indigenous peoples can be provided without injuring it.

In the Universal Declaration of Human Rigths, announced by the United Nations Dec. 10, 1948, in which Indonesia has ratified it, that through Resolution 217 A (III) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is announced upon the realization that: "the natural dignity and the same and unenforceable rights deprived of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world "(preamble of UDHR)" All people are born free and have the same dignity and rights. They are blessed with reason and conscience and should associate with each other in the fraternity "(article 1 UDHR).

In the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESC), announced by the United Nations Dec. 16, 1966 through Resolution 2200 A (XXI) of the International Covenant on the ICESC is announced on the recognition that: "the ideal state of man free from the enjoyment of liberty from fear and poverty, can only be achieved when conditions are created whereby everyone enjoys his social and cultural economic rights as well as his civil and political rights. "(ICESC preamble)

As well as various other international decisions that ratified the central government, among others; The International Covenant on the Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (ICERD), the Convention on Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDOW) indigenous peoples in an independent state / ILO Convention C169, African Charter of Human Rights (ACHPR), and Decisions of the Conference of the Parties relating to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This land has been inhabited by the Papuan melanesian tribes thousands of years before the coming of foreign nations. Like the sphere of the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Until Malays Indonesia.

The land of Papua is an indigenous territory owned by 270 tribes, living and inspired by nature to this day.

The life of indigenous Papuans (indigenous peoples) is highly dependent on, the land, the forest, and all that lives therein. The majority of them are in the native villages up to now. But with the pace of unhealthy development, they get a threat. Namely the loss of land, forest, livelihood, to their cultural identity. Even poverty becomes a natural thing for those who live on the land with this abundant natural wealth.

The existence of unhealthy development was supported by the rate of first foreign infestation to Papua in 1967 ie Freeport followed by various oil mining companies, gas, to industrial companies. The Government of Indonesia as the main controller seems to be giving support to the speed of national and foreign investment to continuously deplete Papua's riches of the earth. But instead do not think about the needs of the people of Papua, and the adverse effects that follow the presence of these investments.

Until 2016 has been listed companies with various classifications such as, mining companies in West Papua has controlled land 3.178.722 ha with 115 isin company. While mining in Papua 5,932,071 ha with 125 isin company. Logging concession (HPH) own company in West Papua 5,388,983 ha with 35 isin company, Papua 7,945,277 ha with 41 isin company. Oil palm company as a whole Papua and west papua is 2,453,484 ha. While the HTI company as a whole is 4,321,118 ha.

Or more or less has controlled the land of nearly 24 million hectares throughout the Land of Papua (Papua & West Papua). Even the majority of the exploited area is the living area of ​​the indigenous people of Papua during this time. Under the pretext of exploitation development it is forced in manipulative and inhuman ways. Unreasonable and manipulative land trading, unrealized profit and loss agreements, increased human rights violations inwith infestation, to massive deforestation of forests.

The Government of Papua as an extension of the Central Government, almost does not provide protection and sustainability to indigenous peoples, especially the indigenous Papuans. Implementation of the Special Autonomy Law (UU) of Papua No 21 of 2001 (Papua Autonomy) is questioned. Although in Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 letter i. it states that: "The enforcement of such special policies is based on fundamental values ​​that include protection and respect for ethics and morals, fundamental rights of indigenous people, human rights, rule of law, democracy, pluralism and equality of positions, rights and duties as a citizen.

Article 43 of the Special Autonomy Law of Papua also clearly affirms the government's commitment to protect and take sides to indigenous and tribal peoples. In contrast, in practice indigenous peoples are only used as objects of development. This justifies the speculation that since becoming a Draft Law (Bill) to become the Special Autonomy Law has undergone substantial changes.

The Special Autonomy Law of Papua also presents the cultural representation of the people, the Papuan People's Assembly (MRP) established since 2004 under Government Regulation No. 54 of 2004. Chapter I Article 1 Paragraph (6) "Papua People's Assembly, hereinafter abbreviated as MRP cultural representation of indigenous Papuans, who have certain powers in the context of protecting the rights of indigenous Papuans based on respect for customs and culture, women's empowerment, and consolidation of religious harmony. "

The MRP is also domiciled with the Governor, and the Papuan House of Representatives (DPR-P). The MRP is assigned the Papua Special Autonomy Law for protection, and provides for affirmative action. But in practice MRP is considered as a "toothless" institution. Because the MRP has not been given sufficient space in the regulation, in addition to proposing, giving consideration, and approval to every policy of Papua government and related center of Papua Province.

Nationally, the state recognizes and respects the unity of indigenous and tribal peoples with their traditional rights. That is in the 1945 Constitution Article 118b Article 3 Paragraph (1) states that: "Everyone is born free with equal and equal dignity and human dignity and endowed with reason & conscience to live in society, nation and state in the spirit of brotherhood ". After the reform of 1998 the state enacted the RI Law no. 39 Year 1999 on Human Rights Article 6 Paragraph (1) states that: "In the context of the enforcement of human rights, the differences and needs of indigenous peoples shall be observed and protected by law, society and Government." And Paragraph (2) says " The identities of indigenous and tribal peoples' cultures, including the right to ulayat lands are protected, in harmony with the times. "
Local Government Law no. 32 of 2004 also accommodate the protection of indigenous peoples. Chapter I article 1 mentions. "Village or other so-called name is a legal community unity which has territorial boundaries that are authorized to organize and manage the interests of the local community based on local customs and customs that are recognized and respected within the system of Government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia." it is not impossible that respect for indigenous peoples can be provided without injuring it.

In the Universal Declaration of Human Rigths, announced by the United Nations Dec. 10, 1948, in which Indonesia has ratified it, that through Resolution 217 A (III) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is announced upon the realization that: "the natural dignity and the same and unenforceable rights deprived of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world "(preamble of UDHR)" All people are born free and have the same dignity and rights. They are blessed with reason and conscience and should associate with each other in the fraternity "(article 1 UDHR).

In the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESC), announced by the United Nations Dec. 16, 1966 through Resolution 2200 A (XXI) of the International Covenant on the ICESC is announced on the recognition that: "the ideal state of man free from the enjoyment of liberty from fear and poverty, can only be achieved when conditions are created whereby everyone enjoys his social and cultural economic rights as well as his civil and political rights. "(ICESC preamble)

As well as various other international decisions that ratified the central government, among others; The International Covenant on the Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (ICERD), the Convention on Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDOW) indigenous peoples in an independent state / ILO Convention C169, African Charter of Human Rights (ACHPR), and Decisions of the Conference of the Parties relating to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

By Yason Ngelia, the Writer is the Movement of Youth and People of Papua (GempaR)

Reject Industrialization in Papua Reject Industrialization in Papua Reviewed by Unknown on March 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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