One Viewpoint of Indonesian Colonialism on West Papua

The political system and government of Indonesia is the key to colonialism in Papua. Through its political system and government, Indonesia systematically and massively entered spaces that could not be accessed by Papuan independence fighters, plus if combatants compromised with it. So the struggle still looks conventional, classical, and easy to guess.

On the other hand, Indonesia is a great country founded by revolutionaries who, after seizing independence, have adopted a state system unexpectedly by any country, a unitary state of a republic. Founding father's Indonesia is able to elaborate the political model of traditional government (Java) and the world. besides they also dare to change the system of government, constitution, to get the right formula to run the government.

They are strong because of their political system and government. History notes that every change of government and the constitution of Indonesia is only to anticipate the disintegration of the nation that continues to threaten the state and leadership of President Soekarno. Although Soekarno eventually fell from power, Indonesia's government and politics remained in a stable position. Because the existing leadership is only signed on religious and nationalist groups, who disagree with Soekarno's international politics.

So not surprisingly, if Indonesia is dubbed as a third world country, a poor country, a capitalist puppet state. For conservative nationalists, Indonesia is enough to be a sovereign country, and to be recognized for its existence, that's what matters. Various sarcasm, insults and insults are no longer useful, because hundreds of years ahead, they consider Indonesia will remain intact from Sabang to Merauke.

Neo colonialism

             We must realize that this is the era of neo colonialism Indonesia. A colonial system no longer identical to forced labor, military invasion, and other rude colonial practices. For today's neo-colonialism practice is to conquer a region by taking control of its governmental and political system (imperialism).
Indonesia may be laughed at by a strong foreign influence in every national policy. But effectively the archipelago successfully mastered by the practice of imperialism in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). A highly centralized system for an archipelagic state, which had been independent since August 1945.

In the end, on May 1, 1963 UNTEA handed over Papua (West Irian) to Repubik Indonesia. Since then the Indonesian national government in Papua has taken place under the President of the Republic of Indonesia, appointing the first West Irian governor Eliezer Jan Bonay. Practically since then, Indonesian colonialism has established its power in Papua through the administration of West Irian Province.

So back to my statement above, that government and politics are the key to colonialism in Papua. Because when the inauguration of Eliezer Bonay, the native son of Papua as governor, then politically Indonesia succeeds in controlling the indigenous people of Papua.

There is no other way to colonize Papua than to create a system of government and make it a trap. All indigenous Papuans, being pragmatic, and not critical. Having no beliefs under the people in the Land of Papua is able to live more dignified, and humane than at this time. This is due to the political system and the Indonesian government, has shaped the mindset of indigenous Papuans who are mistaken, no longer social-spirited, but only think of personal, group and tribal benefits.

The centralization of Indonesia's political and governmental system has controlled all the joints of life. Officials in the Indonesian system, will not be able to do much for Papua. Let alone for the politics of independence, for welfare alone is impossible. For another 100 years Indonesia will remain a foreign-controlled, impoverished nation, a system that they create themselves.

Because if Indonesia is serious about the welfare of the people of the archipelago, then there are many things that will be broken from the political system and its government, it means weakening the power of the state. In the history of Indonesia, the practice of centralization was once transformed into the broadest possible autonomy, even to the union republic of Indonesia (RIS) applied only one year (1955). RIS can not survive, because it is considered weakening the influence of Jakarta to all regions of the archipelago.

For Papua, the most obvious evidence is the failure of the Papua Special Autonomy Law of 2001 due to excessive state fear. Government Regulation No. 32 Year 2004 which applies nationally, does not guarantee the privileges of the region more special. For political affairs only, to date there are no local political parties in Indonesia (except Aceh with armed conflict up to the Helsinki agreement).
That is proof that the national political party is a political tool, to hold the control of central power, to the government in the region (district, city, district, village). Indonesia's power will only spin around elite, businessmen, parties, party coalitions, in Jakarta. The political elite in Papua will only be like the "Wayang" which is played by "Dalang".

There is no other way to make a national party unless the population of Indonesia with extraordinary wealth, because with the wealth can meet the requirements of the Act. Because the requirements of forming a political party must be national, there are all districts / cities, districts. automatically requires a large cost, that's how this country limits the area in the archipelago.
What is the role of TNI / POLRI? This colonial system made the TNI / POLRI only a tool in the country's political system. Who leads the state, he is the supreme commander of all Generals in all Military forces. This strategy is far more effective to colonize Papua than the military (although there are various military operations). But the political system and the Indonesian government are the main conquerors of the Papuan people.

This system makes a very high dependence on state power. Because the Papuan people are impoverished deliberately. I take the political example of "Rice" in a research. in the early 90's the people of Papua still made sago as the main food, "rice" only as a complement. But entering the 2000s, Papuan people's dependence on "rice" is very high. This is the cipta condition of the country to the people of Papua. People become poor, forced to work to earn money to buy rice. Sago began to be difficult to obtain because it is not in production, Sago forest in gusur to be the location of housing, markets, roads, and so forth.

If we go back to speak of party power? Or any organization that practices Pancasila in its AD / ART? The task of the organization is to educate the Papuans, the young generation of Papua, to see Indonesia as a country that needs to be governed and improved. Very classical, rich but very poor country, it takes a new leader, and a new generation, this is just a colonial doctrine against Indonesian people, especially especially Papua.
This is the systematic occupation of Indonesia in the archipelago. One colony without meaningful resistance. This is the hegemony of Indonesia in Papua.

Conscious and Against

           In my opinion there is no term struggle in the system. As commonly thrown by unscrupulous combatants or other humanitarian activists in Papua. For me it is a defeat and a false invitation among Papuans. Because, Papua colonized with a very systematic by Indonesia.
We have to get out of that mindset. The struggle for independence is a struggle for independence, there is no way to achieve it by submitting to the concept of Indonesia. There is no reason either to deceive and to change that mindset.

On the way we should be able to fight the inconsistency, regardless of its form. When in the soul still trust the Indonesian colonial system. To strengthen the Indonesian system in Papua, we will also destroy the whole country.
This is very important, because the people of Papua should be educated, made aware to see who it is Indonesia actually. People can not be educated, to be used. Because they have to live on their land thousands of years ahead, not 50 years.
One Viewpoint of Indonesian Colonialism on West Papua One Viewpoint of Indonesian Colonialism on West Papua Reviewed by Admin on March 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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