Papua From Epidemic To Outbreak: Is It Biology War? A Question

By: Benny Pakage

In 2007, I brought durian seeds from Jakarta so that in the durian seed I titip 4 orange trees Sweet from Java, so that when I take care of the permit from the Plant and Animal Quarantine Center at Tanjung Priok, they forbid me to bring this citrus seed because in addition to plants this will make the land so barren, hama can also make people sick to waste - waste water when planted in Papua.

In 1942 when the Babi Putih was underworld by the Dutch and Japanese for livestock in the Meeuwo Paniai region, from that moment on the Original Pigs of the Mee people began to catch the tapeworm "cysticercosis", so the Mee accused the Dutch and the Japanese as carriers of the "cystic" in the Meeuwo area and began to have an outbreak of Pig deaths.

The story of the pandemic and the virus in Papua is not new to us because, in 1902 the Malind (Anem) people in Merauke called the Mengayau tribe were dealing with the outbreak of the virus while fighting against the Dutch and the Catholic Missionaries. At that time, the Dutch hired experts to conduct research, obtained information about the strength of the Malind people who were able to paralyze them, and the result in 1905 the Netherlands, releasing a virus called "Spanish Virus". The virus was released by wind blowing near the Malind "Yelmasu" settlement, causing a quarter (1/4) of Malind people to die respectively within a few days. So by 1907 every Malind village lived from 6 to 7 families.
Illustration: War of Biology

The continuing death caused many Malinds to waver, the epidemic born of the landlord's curse or "Dema", because the migrants had destroyed their spirits and sacred shrines, and then all the Malind tribesmen agreed and took up the fight again to finish off the invaders. But the information will be carried out the resistance has been heard so that the Dutch, all their settlements in the pagari with razor wire, make a trap to catch every one who enters the yard. When the Malinds took the fight to Dutch and missionary settlements, most Malindian tribal chiefs were caught in the barbed fence and their Dutch isolation, under-used boats and at the guides in Ambon. Today the Malind people are languishing in the land of Animha.

What the Malinds experienced, was first experienced by the Aztecs in Mexico 1554. Where the Aztecs famous for their old civilization, extinct within five days, of which 57 million people died suddenly. The deaths of these million people have left scientists wondering what is the cause of the extinction of the Aztecs in Mexico.

To answer the puzzle, scientists from the University of Tuebingen Germany examined 29 DNA of Aztec ancient humans in January 2018, the result they found a virus called the bacteria salmonella enterica, from Paratyphi C varieties that usually spread through food, infected water, which is a a disease that was once present in mainland Europe in the Middle Ages so scientists thought Salmonella enterica had traveled to Mexico through a pet carried by the Spaniards that had annihilated the Aztecs.
The story of the presence of a foreign nation in an area that affects the annihilation of a tribe is not something new. For example; The Beothuk tribe, who lived for thousands of years in Newfoundland also became extinct when the Europeans under John Cabot began exploiting wood and fish in their area, so the Beothuks were forced out of their territory under conditions of tuberculosis and malnutrition, leaving the tribe extinct 1700, and in 1829 there were no more Beothuk people we could find in Newfoundland. While the Karankawa Tribe is a group of Native Americans who have a role in the history of the founding of Texas also experienced the extinction in conflict by the conflict with the people of Europe and through various new diseases that arise in their community. The same condi- tions were experienced by the extinct Mandan tribe because of the conflict with the United States and because of the outbreak of Chicken Disease, so that in 1837 their population was reduced, and in 1934 the Mandan tribe joined the other two Indian tribes, but the last native Mandan died in 1971. The same conditions also experienced the Chisca Tribe or who lived in east Tennessee, southwest of Virginia, They also became extinct because of the war against the Europeans, especially at the time against the Hernando DeSoto and Juan Pardo of Spain so in the late 1700s , the tribe is joined by Shawnee under the name Chaskepe. In the 18th century, Chisca became extinct and their cities were burned by the invaders. Then the Hachaath tribe who previously lived on Vancouver Island and Barcland Island also became extinct during the conflict when Contact with Europe and smallpox. Bo tribe also experienced extinction in 2010, when about 65,000 years of culture and language Bo exist in the Great Adaman region, India. Similarly, the Tasmanian Aboriginal Tribe is an indigenous people in the state of Tasmania destroyed and extinct also because of the black war of 1828 and 1832 to the British colonists and disease. The Ona were also extinct in the mid-20th century. Then the Tainos Tribe, the indigenous population of the Bahamas also became extinct because of the arrival of Europeans, intermarriage and war attacks from Europeans, causing the Tainos to extinct in the 18th abab.

Continue to father - mother can answer? What is the cause of all the outbreaks in Papua? Starting from the Cholera outbreak of the Kamuu Valley 2008, (173mati), outbreaks of Streptococcus pneumonia, Mbua Ndugama 2016 (67 dead), Chickenpox outbreaks in Yahukimo 2015, (73mati), malnutrition outbreak in the Mountains of 2014, (67 children dead), the Serampa epidemic in Deiyai ​​2017, (47mati), and the last outbreak of Measles in Asmat 2017, (78 dead), was it because of the sing nation on our land like the tribe above or for what?
In Indonesia, there are journalists who are concerned with our condition in the land of Papua so in Jakarta, Thursday, January 25, 2018 these journalists asked the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto about the outbreak that continues after the release ceremony of TNI Health Task Force that will help treat the citizens of Asmat who hit the outbreak of virus Capak in Halim Perdana Kusuma East Jakarta.

TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto was asked this way; WHAT'S HAPPENING IN PAPUA AND IN THE GRACE IS THE PLAGUE IS A PART OF THE BIOLOGY WAR ?, ie a new style war intended to kill or cripple the endurance of humans, animals, and plants. With reasons, there are foreign countries who want Papua out of Indonesia. The TNI chief only hopes that the pestilence in Asmat does not include biological warfare. According to him; what was asked earlier is the outbreak of disease in Asmat that there are indications of biological war, hopefully not happen, said Hadi. Currently, he said, the TNI think is to save the Asmat people affected by malnutrition and epidemic of measles. "What we think first is how we save our brothers back there," he said.

In fact, prior to that, on November 9, 2017, General Gatot Nurmantyo became Keynote Speaker at the seminar 'Global Health Resilience in Perspective of National Defense' at TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, while serving as TNI Commander said; today proxy war attacks various aspects including health as a medium to destroy a nation and state through biocrime, biowarfare and biotero rism. Proxy war has been utilizing biological warfare by faatkan menguat bacteria, viruses, fungi, toxins and others. With that it will be able to degrade the quality of plants, animals and also humans, even deadly, "he said.Especially Indonesia's vast country and consists of more than 17 thousand islands and vulnerable to the spread of contagion globally, so Gatot appealed, be aware and deal with quickly.
Pace mace dorang, you still remember to, in 2009, Siti Fadila Supari, Minister of Health Indonesia has published a book titled: WHEN WORLD CHANGED "God's Hand Behind Bird Flu Virus" or It's Time for the World to Change. This book was printed in 2000 copies in Indonesian and English and sold out mothers so that the minister's mother reprinted this book up to 7 (seven) thousand pieces.

Which makes the book sell well in the market and in the interest of many people because, he told, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMENKES RI) sold 58 virus from infectious disease in Indonesia to WHO (World Health Organization) through Global Influenza Survey Lance Network (GISN) agreement, to the WHO has been changed and returned in the form of kelontongan. Then in 2007 when the outbreak of Bird Flu in Indonesia, the results prove, Indonesian bird flu virus is more virulent than other Bird Flu Virus, so quickly WHO asked the Indonesian Bird Flu Virus (DNA H5N1), but Siti Fadila Supari refused to give the virus with the reason, the result of the virus that is produced by WHO vaccine, sold to Pharmaceutical companies in America and patented by them, so that the vaccine produced by the virus is bought expensive again with expensive price by the country Patients ( ). Furthermore, the data of the H5N1 DNA sequenced H5N1 DNA virus viruses stored by the WHO CC can no longer be accessed by scientists, even the data by WHO is uniquely stored at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, which is under the US Department of Energy and in this laboratory in 1940-1945 the United States designed the Atom or Nuclear Bomb to destroy the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. So Fardila questioned, the data given in the Virus to make a vaccine or chemical weapons ?.

Later in this book also narrated, Siti Fadilah continue to pursue WHO to return 58 virus from Indonesia which purportedly have been placed in Bio Health Security, that research institute of biological weapon Pentagon United States. So President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked Siti Fadila to withdraw the book from circulation, even though "The book is gone and can no longer withdraw from circulation. Even the US Government reportedly promised rewards of military equipment such as heavy weapons or tanks if the Government of Indonesia is willing to withdraw the 182-page book. On the same occasion, on October 16, 2009 the US Ambassador in Jakarta officially sent a letter to KEMENKES RI that it has suspended Operation Naval Medical Research Unit 2 (Namru-2) having its address at the Health Department Research and Development Department Health at Jl. Percetakan Negara, Jakarta.

NAMRU-2 is a biomedical research laboratory that researches communicable diseases for the common good of the United States and the Ministry of Health, and the international health community established in 1970 at the request of the Ministry of Health. This joint research activity focuses on Measles, smallpox, influenza, Diarrhea, malaria, viral diseases such as dengue fever, intestinal infections and other infectious diseases including avian influenza and are associated with naturally occurring tropical diseases.

Letter from the US Ambassador above followed, KEMENKES RI in 2005 officially stopped this operation NAMRU-2, on the grounds, research center that examines the virus by the US Navy this existence disrupt Indonesian sovereignty, in addition to Minister of Health has banned all hospitals in Indonesia not to send samples of bird flu virus to NAMRU 2 laboratory, on the grounds that the cooperation contract with Namru has expired since December 2005.

Indonesian intelligence expert Rear Admiral (Ret.) Subardo still believes the existence of a US naval medical laboratory, NAMRU-2 in Jakarta is a US intelligence tool. This is believed Subardo based on his judgment for more than 30 years working in the field of intelligence and had served as Head of the State Sandi Institution (Lemsaneg) in 1986-1998.If I believe, there is an intelligence motive from America. I am working in this field of intelligence since still a lieutenant to two stars (Laksanmana Muda) more than 30 years said Subardo on the sidelines of the seminar day of information security awareness (HKKI) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM Yogyakarta Friday 24 April 2008 to the media crew.

What happens in Papua is Biological War? Maybe this essay I ask Septinus George Saa Son of Papua winner of the First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics race in 2004 from Papua who can answer this Question !!!! Please answer.
Papua From Epidemic To Outbreak: Is It Biology War? A Question Papua From Epidemic To Outbreak: Is It Biology War? A Question Reviewed by Admin on March 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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