The Validity of Membership of the Republic of Indonesia in MSG is Disputed

The vice-premier of Solomon Islands, Manasseh Sogavare, raised the issue of the validity of Indonesia's membership in the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) when it was given the opportunity to answer a parliamentary question in a hearing held in Honiara, capital of Solomon Islands yesterday (05/03).

According to Sogavare, the Prime Minister of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama, should apologize to MSG member countries for passing the recognition of Indonesia as a member of the MSG associate.

He said Prime Minister of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama, should apologize to MSG member states for recognizing Indonesia as a completely unprofessional associate member.

"There is no consensus in Indonesia's acceptance by member countries," said Sogavare, who was once chairman of MSG and once a PM Solomon Islands.

He said the decision to accept RI as an associate member was only done alone by the Fijian Prime Minister and forced other member states to support it.

Meanwhile, he continued, upon arriving at a request for membership of United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), the Prime Minister of Fiji spoke otherwise. He, Sogavare said, put forward the strict criteria for membership.

That, Sogavare continues, becomes an ongoing difficulty for ULMWP to become a full member of MSG.

In fact, Sogavare said, the ULMWP application is consistent with the application of the New Socialist Nationalist Liberation Front (FLINKS) when they are applying for membership.

Sogavare said it answered the question of MP from Aoke, Langalamnga Matthew Wale, who asked Prime Minister Rick Hou about his words in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea some time ago. At that time Rick Hou apologized to other MSG members, for the less harmonious relationship between the Solomon Islands and other member states before this.

Sogavare says MSG is a pure political body to liberate Melanesia from colonialism. But lately it is not that which goes on because the interests have shifted from the fundamental purpose of its formation.

Sogavare says, if MSG adheres to the objectives and founding principles held by MSG leaders who started the organization, there would be no difficulty in recognizing ULMWP's full membership.

He said ULMWP is a political entity representing indigenous Papuans who are Melanesians, so there is no problem to recognize their full membership in MSG.

"Fiji's close relationship with Indonesia sabotages MSG's work and its membership in MSG is not political but economic," he added, as reported by Solomon Star online media Solomon Star.

He concludes that Fiji and Papua New Guinea are very supportive of Indonesia, therefore their relationship continues to sabotage MSG's work to uphold its goals.

Question mark about the Solomon Islands Official Attitude

It is not clear how strongly the expression of Manasseh Sogavare reflects the official stance of the Solomon Islands government. The current Solomon Islands PM is Rick Hou, who has so far shown a softer stance on the Papuan issue. After sworn in as prime minister last year to replace Sogavare dropped by a no-confidence motion, Rick Hou says he will be more focused on addressing domestic issues.

During the MSG Summit in Port Moresby, last month, Rick Hou seemed moderate and did not speak at all about ULMWP membership applications. Not long ago circulated info that Rick Hou relationship with Sogavare, who is also the finance minister, is not harmonious. For several months they have not greeted each other and talked. But this info was later denied by both, via a joint press release.

At the end of the MSG trial in February, Rick Hou got a chance to talk apologize because during the Solomon Islands' chairmanship at MSG - during the Sogavare administration - the country has made the relationship less harmonious with fellow members. Although he does not call what the cause of the harmonious relationship, the allegations are directed to getolnya Sogavare fight for ULMWP applications to be accepted in MSG. Rick Hou's statement is interpreted as a softening of Solomon Islands's stance on the Papuan issue.

Indonesia Considers ULMWP's Road Has Been Deadlocked

Meanwhile Indonesia repeatedly stressed that it is impossible for ULMWP to be accepted as a permanent member of MSG.

The return of the ULMWP application to be discussed at the MSG secretariat at a summit in Port Moresby, last February, according to the Chairman of the Indonesian Delegation to MSG Desra Percaya indicated the inability of ULMWP to join MSG as a full member.

In his press release, Desra Percaya, who is also Director General for Asia Pacific and Africa Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said some MSG leaders again questioned the willingness of ULMWP to become a member of MSG. MSG leaders, he said, agreed on membership guidelines and returned the application of the ULMWP group to the Secretariat.

With these developments, said Desra Percaya, there is still a need for special discussion regarding the substance of criteria of membership by re-implementing the appropriate mechanisms, namely through high-level forums, ministers and the last proposed to leaders.

Desra Believe in believing the wishes ULMWP will not be realized. With consensus decision making and strong support from Indonesian friends in MSG who respect and uphold the principles and objectives of the organization, in particular with regard to respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said, the application of membership by the group will always face a dead end and is unlikely to be realized .

"The results of the 2015 MSG Summit clearly confirm that the presence of the separatist group at MSG is just as one of the reviewers representing a small group of separatists domiciled abroad," added Desra Percaya.

"The statement of separatist groups claiming to be the official representatives of the Papuan community in MSG is, of course, very unfair to the 3.9 million people of Papua and West Papua provinces," he continued.

"More than two million residents of Papua and West Papua provinces have been exercising their free and fair democratic rights. The aspirations of all the people of both provinces are represented in an open democratic system in Indonesia. "

The influence of Indonesia in MSG lately is increasingly significant with the exposure of RI assistance to finance the operation of the MSG secretariat.

In recent years, when MSG's chairmanship was held by Solomon Islands, the organization's secretariat office in Port Villa, Vanuatu, was in financial trouble. Cause, some members have not paid their annual fee.

However, Indonesia, which is an associate member, has assisted the operation of the secretariat by disbursing funds and other assistance. According to Sade Bimantara, spokesman for the Indonesian Embassy in Australia, Indonesia has disbursed funds that are an annual contribution.

In addition, Indonesia also helps the procurement of vehicles and other items required by the secretariat.

The Validity of Membership of the Republic of Indonesia in MSG is Disputed The Validity of Membership of the Republic of Indonesia in MSG is Disputed Reviewed by Unknown on March 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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