Statement of FRI-WP & AMP Attitude: International Women's Day 2018

Amolongo, Nimo, Koyao, Koha, Kinaonak, Nare, Yepmum, Dormum, Tabea Mufa, Walak, Foi Moi, Wainambe, Nayaklak

Waa ... waa ... waa ... waa ... waa ... waa ... waa ... waa ... waa ... waa!

Happy International Women's Day 2018!

Solidarity Greetings!

International Women's Day is a historic moment for women's struggles around the world in terms of economy, politics and socio-culture. History has ensured that the role of women is one of the most important elements in the whole human struggle to make life more glorious. Equality-in economic, political and socio-cultural terms-forever can not be enjoyed without the role of women.

However, although International Women's Day has been celebrated a century ago, women today still experience various forms of oppression: violence, discrimination and exploitation. Women's struggle to gain a better life has not yet achieved victory.

West Papua women stand upright!

In the midst of a long expanse of West Papuan history in determining its own destiny, West Papuan women stood up while recounting various oppression. Both when under Dutch colonial rule, even under Indonesian rule. Suffering is not a new vocabulary in the life of West Papuan women.

During World War II, Papua land became a battleground between the Japanese and Allied forces. The people, especially West Papuan women, are victims. Until World War II ended, Papua was still under Dutch control (promising decolonization), at least until Indonesia made efforts to "liberate" the land of Papua. On December 19, 1961, President Soekarno echoed Trikora with the aim of "liberating" Papua from the Dutch grip. Trikora then became a series of military operations. The people, especially West Papuan women, are victims. Since Trikora's up to date, there have been at least 30 (thirty) military operations taking place in the land of Papua. As long as, as sad, as sick, that's what people have to deal with, especially West Papuan women in taking life.

The National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan), the Women's Working Group of the Papuan People's Assembly and the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) of Indonesia have documented the facts of violence against West Papuan women throughout 1963 to 2009. Of these documents there were 138 cases of state violence and 98 cases of domestic violence. State violence means any form of violence against women, whether physical, sexual and psychological, committed or endorsed by the security apparatus and government apparatus. A recent study from Papuan Women's Group (PWG) noted that 60 women from 170 who were involved in the study had experienced violence, and 48 of them were victims of state violence or human rights abuses.

The army became the most violent state apparatus for perpetrators of violence against West Papuan women, a sensible thing given the extraordinary number of military operations held in Papua. What is hard for a healthy human mind to accept is how Indonesian soldiers and / or police treat West Papuan women. West Papuan women speak of violence in the form of femicide, disappearance, shootings, attempted murder, detention, ill-treatment, torture, sexual torture, rape, attempted rape, sexual slavery, sexual exploitation, forced abortion, racism and forced displacement.

Not to mention problems such as the absence of women's right to be involved in decision-making mechanisms, unable to take part in compensation, nor can they access new job opportunities because the industry employs more migrants. Also not to be forgotten, West Papuan women are affected by ecological damage and social problems arising from the rise of industries such as oil palm plantations, mining, and others.

In the domestic realm, West Papuan women are also frequently subjected to violence in the form of polygamy, becoming victims of infidelity, economic neglect, persecution, psychological violence, rape in marriage, child rape, child killings, forced marriage, and contracting HIV / AIDS. Throughout 2016-2017, the number of domestic violence even reached the 2000s.

Also still fresh enough in our minds of Indonesians, as part of a forgetful nation, how dozens of children under five die in Papua because of malnutrition, although research on malnutrition in Papua has been published since 2005.

The cult of white beauty in Indonesia has marginalized black Papuan women. In cultural products, especially television and film, making Papuans a mockery. Papuan women became the group that suffered the most because of the hegemony to follow the patriarchal and racist standard of colonial state beauty. Beauty standards are also even able to be shared by Papuan men. In this cultural colonization that is destroyed is Papuan women's self-confidence over skin color and biological characteristics to create helplessness, surrender and defeat.

Again, in the midst of the long history of the West Papuan people in determining their own destiny, West Papuan women stood up while recounting various oppression. The numbers are not just numbers. in human beings, women, upright, brave, standing, forced to suffer, courage, and fight. These figures are the women who are truly present in the world, in the land of West Papua, present in the history of the struggle of the nation.

We assess, the reality of violence experienced by women West Papua can not be separated from the problem of colonialism and interests of international capital. The number of Indonesian armed forces sent to the land of Papua, both in military operations, the development of territorial command, and also for the maintenance of industry - all done for the sake of capital, without trying to humanize women West Papua, West Papuan as a whole.

The root of the problem in Papua is colonialism, and therefore the liberation of Papuan women can only be achieved by the fulfillment of self-determination rights for the Papuan people. Therefore, the development of the Papuan people can not be more advanced again under colonization, even the Papuan nation is threatened with destruction due to deaths from murder and disease, and expulsion.

Because of these issues, our People's Front of Indonesia for West Papua and the Papuan Student Alliance, in the momentum of International Women's Day 2018, demanded:

1. Guarantee of education and health fulfillment, including reproductive health for Papuan Women.
2. Capture and prosecute perpetrators of sexual harassment, rape and murder against Papuan Women.
3. Unloading tragedies in Papua that resulted in sexual and non-sexual violence against Papuan women.
4. Drag the organic and non-organic military from the land of Papua.
5. Fair General of the perpetrators of human rights violations and the army and police conduct sexual and non-sexual violence against Papuan women through public court.
6. Guarantees the freedom to organize as much as possible for Papuan Women either to join the organizations of the popular movement or to establish the women's organization itself.
7. Eliminate discrimination against Papuan women in the field of culture.
8. Reject Polygamy
These emergency demands are an inseparable part of the process of self-determination for the people of West Papua.

Thus this statement of attitude is made, for the support, participation and cooperation of all parties, we say many thanks.

Solidarity Greetings!

Medan Juang, March 7, 2018
Statement of FRI-WP & AMP Attitude: International Women's Day 2018 Statement of FRI-WP & AMP Attitude: International Women's Day 2018 Reviewed by Admin on March 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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