Underfive and Malnutrition in West Papua can not be separated from the Indonesian colony!

Children of West Papua
Underfive and malnutrition in Papua as happened in Asmat in the last 4 months is not a phenomenon. Once again not a phenomenon!
Cases of death of nearly 70 infants at Asmat due to measles and malnutrition are part of a row of cases that often occur in Papua. 85 children under five in asmat with poor nutrition condition get intensive care. There are five districts in the outback that are affected by measles and malnutrition, namely Swator, Fayit, Pulau Tiga, Jetsy, and Siret.

In the last five years there have been various cases of under-five mortality and problems in some areas of Papua. From november 2012 until februari 2013 about 95 people died from malnutrition and itchy disease, in Tambraw district. In november 2015, 41 children under five died in Nduga district. Then, in the mid-April to mid-July 2017, 50 children under five died in the district of West Tigi, because of ARI, measles, diarrhea, and dysentery. In mid-July 2017 about 20 babies died due to various illness and malnutrition in Deiyai ​​district. Then in the last two months, 23 infants died in Bintan Mountains caused by malnutrition.
Actually the problem in Asmat has occurred in the last 4 months, but the Indonesian government is not ready to handle this issue. Meanwhile, the issue of infant mortality and malnutrition has long been reported as one of the health problems in Papua. Unicef, for example, by 2015, has recorded the mortality rate of children under five in Papua three times the under-five mortality rate in Jakarta or about 81 infants per thousand births. And in 2005, Oxfam, noted there are about 69,883 people who suffer malnutrition in Papua, where 58 people died.
Although various facts and events have shown it. However, once again, Papua's natural wealth seems more appealing to Indonesia's development projects and to international investment interests than Papuans themselves. Impact, there is forced indigenous lifestyle changes until finally affect the immune society due to changes in the pattern of hidu and environmental changes. In some cases bring out various kinds of diseases such as Isa, itching, etc.

As tantalizing the potential oil and gas blocks found in Asmat. Which then adds the potential of natural wealth from oil to 45 Billion Barrels for all of Papua.

It is a matter that has never been taken seriously to suspect the linkage between the activities of mining companies and minerals with various diseases that not least end up with the death of infants and adults. Of course, again, because business interests are the main ones, right?

While the sobs of families of victims of this infant mortality has not been dry. Political elites in Jakarta are busy pointing at each other. Or not a few of them looking face. It is possible because this year is the year of preparation for political competition 2019. Similarly, successful teams from the Papuan elites are competing in the colonial "democratic" system, many of which have a common thread with the interests of political elites in Indonesia.

And if we check again, malnutrition problems and infant mortality, is not a phenomenon today alone. Rather, historical facts can not be separated from colonial factors and the interests of international capital.

Papuan wealth has been squeezed in such a way, taken as much as possible, given as little as possible to the people of Papua. All sorts of problems will arise of course, whether it is malnutrition, welfare imbalance, death of toddlers, puskesmas not visited by health workers, Therefore, the development of Papua can not be more advanced again under colonization.

On the above issues we reaffirm that:

The reality of malnutrition and infant mortality can not be separated with the problems of colonialism and the interests of international capital.
The root of the problem in Papua is colonization and therefore the people and the nation have the right to determine their own destiny.
Indonesian Political Elites stop "looking up" for the 2019 election.
The democratic party (Pilkada) in Papua will not answer the fundamental issues of the people and the people of Papua.
We demand that the Indonesian Government take so much of the natural wealth of the people and the people of Papua in relation to the incidence of under-fives and malnutrition to:

1. Form a team of independent investigations involving international health agencies under the United Nations on the causes of the spread of illness and malnutrition in various regions of Papua.
2. Sending medical personnel and medicines.
3. Building health infrastructure.
4. Building health schools (Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, etc.) as well as drug development laboratories.
5. These emergency demands as an integral part of the process of self-determination for the people and the nation of Papua. Therefore, the State of Indonesia has "take more, give less" to the people and the people of Papua.

Thus this statement of attitude is made, for support, participation and cooperation by all parties, we say many thanks.

Solidarity Greetings!
Underfive and Malnutrition in West Papua can not be separated from the Indonesian colony! Underfive and Malnutrition in West Papua can not be separated from the Indonesian colony! Reviewed by Admin on March 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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